Legacy Giving: It’s Easy to Do

How You Benefit
—A gift in your will or living trust or by beneficiary designation requires no immediate donation. The gift transfers to SBACC only after your lifetime.
—You can change your mind at any time. You are not locked into a decision that you make today.
—Your gift is welcome in any amount. No gift is too small. You can make loved ones and SBACC your beneficiaries.
Your gift ensures that stopping the abandonment of homeless animals will be an important part of your life story when you choose to support SBACC with your future gift.
Here are a few ideas to make your legacy gift to SBACC
—Leave the majority of funds to your loved ones and name SBACC to receive a specific amount or percentage.
—Leave SBACC what’s left after loved ones are provided for by using a residuary bequest.
—Leave your estate to family and friends if they outlive you—or to SBACC if they don’t—by using a contingent bequest.
A Gift by Beneficiary Designation
—Most retirement plans are subject to income and possibly estate tax when transferred to others. That’s why, from a tax perspective, the best legacy gift to charity is often from a retirement plan.
—A life insurance policy that has outlived its purpose or needs to be updated may be the perfect vehicle for leaving a gift to SBACC. Just ask your insurance company for the appropriate forms to make SBACC the owner or beneficiary of the policy.
—You can also name SBACC a beneficiary of bank or brokerage accounts, annuities, and other financial accounts.

It’s Simple
Request a change of beneficiary form from the company holding your assets and name SBACC a full or partial beneficiary. Be sure to provide SBACC’s Federal Tax ID number: 33-0192138
“Including the shelter as a beneficiary in my trust has given me a tremendous feeling of satisfaction. To know that I will continue to have an impact on supporting this safe haven for homeless animals is truly gratifying.”
—Gay Johnson, SBACC Volunteer/Member/Donor
Our Pledge to You
We hope you will let us know about your gift so we can thank you for your generosity and foresight.
—We will respect your privacy. We will keep your gift anonymous unless you tell us otherwise.
—We will use your gift in the way you intended.
—You can change your plans and/or beneficiaries at any time—you are not obligated by a decision that you make today.
—We will continue to meet the highest standards of financial transparency in order to remain worthy of your legacy.
How Can You Make a Lasting Impact?
During our lives, there are times when we pause to reflect on all that we have achieved and what we hope to accomplish. We contemplate how to write our life story in a way that embodies our values in word and deed.
Maybe you thought that you could do more for SBACC but were concerned about making a commitment that you might not be able to keep or using resources that you might, in the future, need for yourself.
There are many ways of creating a lasting legacy that offer you the option you want.

Will/Trust Wording
To leave your gift to SBACC, we suggest the following language in your will/trust:
I, [name], of [city, state ZIP], give, devise, and bequeath to SBACC, Federal Tax Identification number 33-0192138, with the permanent address of 1700 Adolfo Lopez Drive, Seal Beach, CA90740, the sum of $____ [or describe the real or personal property, or percentage of your estate] for its unrestricted use and purpose.
If you would like us to contact you to discuss ways in which you can make a gift to SBACC, email us at thankyou@sbacc.org or call Cathy Winans at (213) 713-3866.
Thank you so much for considering SBACC in your will/trust.
Your generous support will go a long way in caring for our furry friends.
This information is not intended as legal, accounting, or other professional advice. For assistance in charitable planning, consult an attorney for legal advice or obtain the services of another qualified professional.