***Kitten Foster Homes Urgently Needed***

Become a Foster Care Volunteer
Thinking about fostering? The Kitten Foster Care Program has become an important part of the Care Center and we are deeply grateful for the vital service provided by our Kitten Foster Care Volunteers. There are countless numbers of orphaned and abandoned animals that are too young to survive on their own or are ill or injured and in need of medical care before they can be made available for adoption.
Our dedicated team of Kitten Foster Care Volunteers provides temporary care for kittens of all ages, sizes, and medical needs. Some need to be fostered for only a few days, while others may need extended care. Foster care is invaluable to these kittens, and we are continually seeking additional qualified Kitten Foster Care Volunteers. If you are interested in joining us, the first step is to submit a Kitten Foster Care Volunteer Application.
A Kitten Foster Care Coordinator will review each application and contact approved candidates to schedule their attendance at a volunteer orientation/foster care training session. Attending this session will provide you with some basic instructions regarding how the Kitten Foster Care Program operates and how to properly care for the kitten(s) placed in your charge.
What kittens are candidates for Foster Care?
- Kittens: Newborn to 12-weeks of age
- Kittens needing special care/treatment (healing broken limbs, wounds, those who are extremely timid)
How does the Foster Care Program work?
The Care Center receives a kitten that is not ready to be made available for adoption. We frequently receive very young kittens that need immediate foster care. Foster Care Volunteers are contacted. If you are called to foster a kitten and for any reason cannot do it, we will find another foster home and call you the next time. It is always okay to say you are not available.
The kitten remains in the foster home until it is ready for adoption. However, you may need to bring the fostered kitten(s) to the Care Center to receive any necessary vaccines or treatments, or to a SBACC-approved veterinarian for an occasional checkup. When the kitten is ready for adoption, it is either returned to the Care Center or, in some situations, may be adopted directly from the foster home.
Important questions to consider before applying to become a Foster Care Volunteer:
- Most foster kittens need a great deal of quality time to socialize. Do you have the time to spend with the foster kitten(s)?
- Young kitten can be very messy when they eat and potty. Do you have the time and patience to clean up after the foster kitten(s)?
- Are you able to separate the foster kittens from your own animals? Any foster kitten under 6-weeks of age or a pregnant cat that has not been given vaccinations. Although we believe the foster kitten is healthy when we place them in foster care, they may be incubating an illness. Therefore, we recommend that you keep them separated from your own animals. All foster kittens must be kept indoors (no garages, patios, sheds, etc.).
- Are you able to attend to your foster kitten(s) in an emergency? It is the responsibility of the Foster Care Volunteer to monitor and report any signs or symptoms of illness. It may be necessary for the Foster Care Volunteer to bring the foster kitten(s) to an emergency clinic per Foster Care Coordinator approval.
- Will you be able to bring the foster kitten back at the end of the foster period? For some, this is the most difficult part of fostering!
The Care Center operates solely on donations; however, we provide all food, medicine and other supplies when available for all of the fostered animals. Our veterinarians will provide you with any necessary medications, tests, or treatments needed for the fostered animal(s).
If you feel you cannot commit to being a Foster Care Volunteer at this time, but would like to support our program, we are always in need of the following items and supplies:
- Kitten Formula (KMR, First Born)
- Small Animal Nursing Bottles
- Baby Wipes
- Pedialyte (Plain, unflavored)
- Pee Pads
- Dawn Dish Soap
- Miracle Nipples (short)
- Baby Blankets
- Baby Wash Cloths
- Microwavable Warming Discs
- Canned Pumpkin
- Baby Food (Chicken or Turkey only)
- Monetary Donations
If you have questions or would like more information about becoming a Foster Care Volunteer, please email kittenfosterprogram.sbacc@gmail.com