Feline Foster Care Program Application FELINE FOSTER CARE APPLICATION Become a Foster Care Volunteer Please complete this form so that we can match you with the appropriate kitten(s)/cat(s) that require fostering. Please answer each question thoroughly and print legibly.Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY First Name :* Last Name :* Home Address :* City :* Zip :* California Drivers License No :* Expires : M/D/Y* Date of Birth : M/D/Y* Home Phone (Include the area code):* Cell Phone :* Email Address :* Best time to contact you :* Preferred contact method :* Email Phone Occupation :* Typical work hours :* 1. Have you ever fostered animals for a humane organization or animal shelter?* Yes No If yes, which group(s) and when?* 2. Do you own or rent?* Own Rent 3. Do you have pets living with you now?* Yes No If yes, please indicate species and ages :* 4. How long are you willing to keep a foster cat?* 5. How many people live in your household?* Adults* Ages* Children* Ages* 6. Why do you want to foster for the SBACC?*7. How did you hear about the Seal Beach Foster Care Program?*8. Have you completed the basic volunteer training class at SBACC?* Yes No 9. Are you available to bring your kittens into the shelter when he/she is ill, needs vaccinating, or for any other reason?* Yes No 10. Please Check the Types of Cats/Kittens you may be interested in Fostering:* Pregnant Cat Nursing mother and kittens Orphan newborns requiring frequent bottle feedings (Every 2-3hours) Kittens not requiring bottle feeding (4wks and older) Kittens needing additional socialization (e.g. Shy/Frightened) Kittens recovering from Illness Kittens recovering from Injury/surgery Cat on daily medication Cat recovering from Illness Cat recovering from injury/surgery Cat with behavioral problems (e.g. biting/scratching) Cat needing additional socialization (e.g. Shy/Frightened) Feral cats or kittens (Very difficult to handle and require a lot of time and patience) CAPTCHACommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.